State Records Center

The State Records Center (SRC) is the approved offsite storage facility for inactive State agency records that are no longer needed for day-to-day work. The SRC is managed by the Public Records Administration (PRA), which offers guidance on description, access, and destruction of all records stored offsite.

Your Records Are Safe


Only your agency has access to the records your agency sends into offsite storage at the SRC.

Environmental Controls and Fire Safety

The SRC ensures many preventative measures, including comprehensive environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, and firesafe construction, that safeguard your records from the elements.

Easy Access and Retrieval

Records are tagged with RFID barcode labels with your agency’s transmittal description data for identification.

Monitoring and Tracking

The SRC is governed by strict chain-of-custody procedures to ensure visibility and control over records.

How the State Records Center Serves Your Agency

  • Storage of inactive records sent offsite;
  • Retrieval and delivery of records to agencies;
  • Pickup of retrieved records to return to the SRC;
  • Sale and shipping of supplies (i.e., barcode labels, record boxes, etc.);
  • Provides up-to-date inventories of records stored offsite; and
  • Destruction of eligible records at agency request.

SRC Requests and Requirements

Learn how to place State Records Center requests and the required information needed to fulfill them.

SRC Order Request Form

Submit a State Records Center order request to the Public Records Administration.

How to Get Started:


Contact the Public Records Administration to confirm your agency’s State Records Center account number (also known as your agency’s Department ID).

If your agency does not have an account, the Public Records Administration will walk your agency through the process and provide the required forms to open and establish a new State Records Center account.


Records that have not yet reached the end of their retention period from the corresponding Records Retention Schedule can be sent into offsite storage.

  • Records are required to be stored based on the associated retention periods to ensure legal destruction once records have met their required minimum retention. To easily accomplish this, only box records that have the same record series or subseries together.
  • Only records described in approved transmittal forms with a corresponding record series, description, date range, and an eligible destruction date or destruction indicator may be sent into storage.

For additional information, review the Best Practices for Using the State Records Center guidance document.


Records sent to the State Records Center must be identified on approved transmittal forms prior to pickup for offsite storage.

The transmittal forms include the following required data fields to assist your agency with the intellectual control over offsite records for future identification and data integrity for the proper maintenance of those records:

  • SKP Box Number
    The RFID barcode label number (i.e., RF025468759).
  • Department ID
    Your agency’s unique account number (i.e., RI00035).
  • Record Code
    The associated record series and subseries number from the corresponding Records Retention Schedule.
  • From Date and To Date
    The date span of the earliest and most recent records in the box.
  • Major Description
    The primary description of the records in the box.
  • Destruction Date or Destruction Indicator
    The destruction eligibility date or indicator based on the associated retention period.
  • Alpha From and Alpha To
    The alphanumeric file sequence range of the first and last records in the box (i.e., Jones-Smith, 2450-3567, A984-B567, etc.).
  • Box Size
    If the box is a standard size record box, and if not, what the dimensions are.

For complete instructions, see § 4.3 of the Agency Guide: Records Management.

After filing out the transmittal, submit the form to the Public Records Administration for review. Only after the transmittal is approved may an agency submit a pickup request for the boxes to go into offsite storage.

For additional assistance, contact the Public Records Administration.

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Additional Resources

Guidance Documents

Review to assist with daily records management practices, including tips, advice, and resources to keep you informed.

Forms and Resources

Download destruction, digitization, disaster planning, and transmittal forms and resources.

Records Management Webinars

Watch previously records webinars to learn about records management and how to integrate best practices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Commonly asked questions about public records, how they’re managed, and who has them.