State Records Center
The State Records Center (SRC) is the approved off-site storage facility for state agency records that are no longer needed for day-to-day work. The State Records Center is managed by the Public Records Administration (PRA), which offers guidance on description, access, and destruction of all records stored off-site.
The State Records Center is where agencies can send inactive public records to be housed and stored.
Your Records are Secured
Any record sent to the State Records Center for storage is only available to the agency that created the record. Inventory control limits all access to your agency's records.
Getting Started:
Functions of the State Records Center
- Storage of inactive records (records from agencies sent for new storage).
- Retrieval and delivery of records to agencies.
- Arranging pickup of retrieved records from agencies to be returned to the SRC.
- Sale and shipping of supplies, such as barcodes and records boxes.
- Providing agencies with inventories of records stored with the SRC.
- Destruction of records when their retention period ends.