Frequently Asked Questions
Records Management is an essential tool to carry out daily business. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions concerning records management, records destruction, and effective day today organization. To learn more about records management and to find recommendations please visit our Educational Resources page .
Glossary of Terms
For more in depth information on archival and public records management terminology and law, view the Public Records Glossary.
What are the advantages of following a records management program?
It will enhance your ability to efficiently perform your agency’s core mission; effectively
retrieve and dispose of records; ensure regulatory compliance with State Law including
Access to Public Records Act
; and safeguard important information and preserve agency
How do I destroy records?
Request authorization by submitting a Certification of Records Destruction (CRD) to the State Archives & Public Records Administration. Do not destroy records until the CRD has been returned to you.
Where can I find the Certification of Records Destruction (CRD)? How do I fill it out?
You can download the Certification of Records Destruction form or you may request one by sending an email to [email protected], or for city and town departments, email [email protected]. Download step by step instructions for completing the CRD.
How often should I destroy records?
Certain records, regardless of format, should be destroyed every calendar or fiscal year. Do not destroy them until you have an approved Certificate of Records Destruction. Certificates of Records Destruction can be submitted to [email protected]. For city and town departments, email your completed form to [email protected].
Destruction can be completed once the signed, approved Certificate is returned to you by the State Archives & Public Records Administration.
What is the retention period for email?
Email is used to create and receive multiple types of records and does not have a single retention period. Each email should be compared to the records retention schedule to find the appropriate series based on the content. The retention is the same as the paper equivalent.
How does an agency move records into storage? How can they request a record from storage?
Records can be moved into storage once an agency has a State Records Center Account. To open an account or make requests to retrieve records contact the Public Records Administration at [email protected].
How can we destroy records that are at our location?
Fill out a Certificate of Records Destruction (CRD) and submit it via email to [email protected]. For city and town departments, email your completed form to [email protected]. Destruction can proceed when the CRD has been signed by the agency head or designee and the State Archivist. Once the signed copy is returned to your agency, you may proceed with destruction.
I wish to destroy some records but cannot find them on the retention schedule. What should I do?
If the record is not scheduled, it cannot be destroyed. Contact the Public Records Administration and we will assist you in identifying the best course of action until it is eligible via schedule amendment.
If the record is not scheduled, it cannot be destroyed. Contact the Public Records Administration and/or the Local Government Records Program and we will assist you in identifying the best course of action until it is eligible via schedule amendment.
What is the best way to store paper records?
Standardize boxing and labeling and keep records off the floor. We recommend record cartons, one
cubic foot, and metal shelving to maximize use of vertical space
Record cartons on shelves should be 18” below sprinklers and three to four inches from the