Business Identity Theft

Business identity theft falls into two main categories. The first involves a criminal gaining unauthorized access to an existing business and changing key pieces of information with the goal of taking advantage of that business’s credit and good reputation. The second involves a criminal creating a new business using a victim’s name and/or address and attempting to establish lines of credit to access funds.

In both cases, the victim can experience devastating damage to their credit and reputation. Recovering from business identify theft can be a long, costly process.

Explore the resources below to learn how to avoid or reduce the threat of business identity theft and how to begin the process of recovering from suspected business identity theft.

Protect Your Business

Explore the initial steps you can take to protect your business from identity theft.

Avoid Scams and Schemes

Businesses are frequently targeted by unscrupulous actors hoping to trick business owners into paying exorbitant fees for unnecessary items.

Report Identity Theft

If you suspect your identity has been used fraudulently in relation to a business or your business information has been changed without authorization, act fast to report the potential theft.