Protect Your Business

Protecting your business from identity theft requires vigilance. The following initial steps will help you protect your business from identity theft:


  • Sign up for Fraud Protection Notifications. By signing up for this free service, you receive an email notification every time someone files a document with our office on behalf of your business. If someone tries to make unauthorized changes, you’ll be the first to know.
  • Note the February 1 – May 1 annual report filing period on your business calendar to ensure this important document is filed on time.
  • File any changes to your business in a timely fashion (such as the business address, registered agent information, or an entity name change).
  • Regularly check your business’s record for accuracy in the Corporate Database.

  • Regularly check your business’s accounts, bills, and credit. Reporting suspicious activity immediately can help you avoid a lengthy and costly recovery from identity theft.

  • Guard your business’s EIN with the same care you treat your own social security number or ITIN. When your EIN falls into the wrong hands, a bad actor can pair that number with other basic information about your business to steal your business’s identity and take on unexpected debt on your business’s behalf. You should only provide your EIN on official, secure documents such as tax returns, employment forms, and documents requested by your financial institution.
  • Do not share any sensitive information online. If you must do so, check that the website is secure by looking for “https” in the website address.
  • Limit who has access to important information and documents such as payroll information, personnel files, account and tax information, and customer data.

  • Keep a careful inventory of documents your business maintains.
  • Store only documents you must keep, and be sure to keep them in a safe and secure location.
  • If you plan to discard documents, shred them using a cross-cut or confetti shredder.

  • Small businesses are a prime target for bad actors attempting to trick you into paying exorbitant fees for unnecessary services or compromising your business’s identity. Learn more about how to identify common scams and schemes targeting Rhode Island businesses.
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