File your annual report

Limited Liability Companies, Business Corporations, Partnerships, and Benefit Corporations are required to file an annual report starting the calendar year after they register their business with the State of Rhode Island.

Filing your annual report online is easy!

Need help with the online form for an LLC? Watch our annual report online filing tutorial.

An annual report is short, simple form that captures basic information about a business. It does not contain financial or ownership information. Annual reports can be filed online, by mail or in person at our office located at 148 W. River Street, Providence, RI 02904. Screenshots of online filing forms will not be accepted as a paper filing. Filers are required to use only the most recently published Annual Report form as provided below by the RI Department of State.


Revoked entities (not in good standing) must take additional steps before filing an annual report. We encourage businesses to check their entity status in the Corporate Database.

Business Structure Filing Period Filing Form Filing Fee Enhanced Access Online Fee Late Filing Penalty
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
February 1 – May 1

File Online

Form 632



$2.50 $25 applied June 1
(Plus $3.00 to file online)
Business Corporation
February 1 – May 1

File Online

Form 630



$2.50 $25 applied June 1
(Plus $3.00 to file online)
Limited Partnership (LP) or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
February 1 – May 1

File Online

Form 634



$2.50 $25 applied June 1
(Plus $3.00 to file online)
Domestic Benefit Corporation
Within 120 days of fiscal year end Form 633 $60 N/A $25 applied 30 days after end of filing period

Annual Report Filing Tips

  • List the entity’s true principal place of business. Do not list the registered agent’s address in this field. A P.O. Box is acceptable.
  • Always list the current year at the top of the form when filing.
  • A courtesy reminder is mailed each January to the Registered Agent for all active businesses owing an annual report. If the reminder letter is returned undeliverable, revocation proceedings will be implemented for failure to maintain a registered office. Not sure who is listed as your entity’s Registered Agent? Search the Corporate Database to find out!
  • Any individual authorized to do so by the entity may file the annual report.
  • Remember to provide a brief description of the business conducted in Rhode Island.
  • List an accurate NAICS code. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code is a 6-digit number that identifies the specific business conducted by an entity. Click here for a full list of NAICS codes. The NAICS code you choose should reflect the primary business conducted by the entity.
  • Each annual report is accompanied by a brief survey. Your responses to this survey will not be published in connection with your business. The information you provide will be stripped of identifying information and included in the RI Business Data Hub.
  • Business Corporations must list how many shares the corporation has issued. If you have not issued shares, you must enter “0.” The number of issued shares should not exceed the number of authorized shares of record.
  • Domestic Business Corporations filing the first annual report must delete the title of “Incorporator” and provide the names and addresses of all current officers: president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer.