File your annual report

Non-profit corporations are required to file an annual report starting the calendar year after they register with the state of Rhode Island.


Due to ongoing legal action, the BOI filing requirement has been suspended. Learn more at Voluntary filings are still being accepted.

An annual report is a simple, one-page form that captures basic information about a business. It does not contain financial or ownership information. Annual reports can be filed online, by mail or in person at our office located at 148 W. River Street, Providence, RI 02904. Screenshots of online filing forms will not be accepted as a paper filing. Filers are required to use only the most recently published Annual Report form as provided below by the RI Department of State.

Important Filing Tips for Rhode Island Non-Profits!

  • Remember to list the names and addresses of all directors. Rhode Island requires a minimum of three directors in addition to officers (president, vice president, secretary and treasurer). Directors may be officers; however, the president and secretary cannot be the same individual.
  • When filing your first annual report online, be sure to delete the title of “incorporator” and provide the names and addresses of the current officers.
  • Remember to provide a brief description of the business conducted in Rhode Island.
  • List an accurate NAICS code. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code is a 6-digit number that identifies the specific business conducted by an entity. Click here for a full list of NAICS codes or use the link provided within the public search page.


Revoked non-profit corporations (not in good standing) may not file an annual report online. We encourage non-profit corporations to check their entity status in the Corporate Database before filing an annual report.

Business Structure Filing Period Filing Form Filing Fee Enhanced Access Online Fee Late Filing Penalty

Non-Profit Corporation
R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 7-6

February 1 - May 1 File Online

Form 631


$2 $25 applied June 1
(Plus $3.00 to file online)