Open Government Center
The Department of State Open Government Center connects Rhode Islanders with their government. Here you will find important information about government in Rhode Island along with tools to help you ensure that your voice is heard.
Civics and Education Resources
Become an engaged member of your community by learning how Rhode Island government works.
Public and Civic Information
There are many ways to make your voice heard in government. You can vote, attend a public meeting, or even testify at a hearing at the state and local government levels.

Find/Attend Public Meetings
Search for upcoming meetings, past meetings, minutes, agendas, and contact information for thousands of state and municipal public bodies.

Testify at a Committee
Learn how to make your voice heard at a General Assembly committee meeting.

Accessing Public
Learn how to access information that is preserved by our office and how to access information that is held with other public bodies.
Government Contacts
Use the information below to find contact information for government officials in Rhode Island. Visit the Voter Information Center to see the elected officials currently representing you!
Find contact information for all five of your RI General Officers.
Find contact information for your state senator and state representative.
Find contact information for your federal senator and congressperson.
City/Town Government
Find contact information for all 39 cities and towns.
Find contact information for state agencies and departments.
Boards and Commissions
Find contact information for state boards and commissions.
Government Transparency
The Department of State is the state’s central hub that connects Rhode Islanders with their government. Many filings, such as lobbying reports, state leases, and rules and regulations are kept by our office.

Government Spending
Rhode Island’s state budget and spending trends are open information. Using the links below, you can explore the Rhode Island statewide budget, state property leases, vendor contracts, and Secretary of State Agency’s budget.

Lobbying is an important element of government at all levels. Learn about lobbying activity in Rhode Island and track legislation for the Secretary of State.

Laws and Regulations
Laws are not the only rules that govern Rhode Islanders. Discover the state-level laws, executive orders, regulations, and city or town ordinances that impact you.

Government Data Tools
The Secretary of State has several interactive data tools to facilitate government transparency and promote civic engagement.
All about the Census
Redistricting Map Comparison
Historical RI Census Data
Census Block Data Explorer
Legislative Session Information
Lifecycle of Legislation introduced
Voter Information
Voter Turnout
Mon. - Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
State Library, Room 208,
Public Information, Room
38, Providence
PARKING: Limited on-site and metered street parking available.