City & Town Incorporation Dates

Municipality Villages Dates
Barrington Annawamscutt, Bay Spring, Hampden Meadows, Nayatt, Rumstick Point, West Barrington November 18, 1717
Bristol Beach Terrace, Bristol Narrows, Bristol Highlands, Castle Isle, Poppasquash Point, Seal Island, Walker Island October 28, 1681
Burrillville Bridgeton, Gazzaville, Glendale, Graniteville, Harrisville, Huntsville, Laurel Hill, Mapleville, Mohegan, Nasonville, Oak Valley, Oakland, Pascoag, Round Top, Sand Beach, Saxonville, Tarkiln, Wallum Lake, Whipple October 29, 1806
Central Falls No Villages February 25, 1895
Charlestown Cross Mill, Kenyon, Quonochontaug, Watchaug August 22, 1738
Charlestown-Hopkinton  Burdickville   

Carolina, Shannock, Wood River Junction


Anthony, Arkwright, Blackrock, Coventry Center, Fairbanks, Greene, Hopkins Hollow, Potterville, Quidnick, Rice City, Spring Lake, Summit, Tiogue, Washington, Whaley’s Hollow 

August 21, 1741
Coventry-West Warwick Harris   

Arlington, Auburn, Bellefonte, Eden Park, Howard, Knightsville, Meshanticut Park, Oaklawn, Pettaconsett, Sockanosset, Thornton,West Arlington 

June 14, 1754

Edgewood, Washington Park 

Cranston-Warwick Pawtuxet Village   

Abbott Run, Arnold Mills, Ashton, Berkeley, Cumberland Hill, Cumberland Mills, Diamond Hill, Grants Mills, Valley Falls 

January 27, 1747
Cumberland-Lincoln Lonsdale   
East Greenwich Frenchtown  October 31, 1677
East Providence

Boyden Heights, Bullocks Point, Crescent Park, Fort Hill, Kent Heights, Narragansett Terrace, Omega, Phillipsdale, Riverside, Rumford, Silver Spring, Squantum, Watchemoket 

March 1, 1862

Austin, Black Plain, Fisherville, Liberty, Millville 

March 8, 1743
Exeter-Richmond Arcadia   

Foster Center, Moosup Valley, Mount Hygeia, North Foster, Pine Ridge, South Foster, Vernon

August 24, 1781

Clayville, Ponaganset


Bowdish, Chepachet, Clarkville, Durfee Hill, Harmony, Spring Grove, West Glocester

February 20, 1731

Ashaway, Barberville, Bethel, Brightman Hill, Canonchet, Centerville, Champlin Hill, Hope Valley, Kierierian, Locustville, Moscow, Rockville, South Hopkinton, Yawgoog 

March 19, 1757

Alton, Woodville, Wyoming 


Beavertail, Cedar Point, Conanicut, Dutch Island, Freebody Hill, Gould Island 

October 30, 1678

Belknap, Frog City, Graniteville, Hughesdale, Merino, Morgan Mills, Moswansicut Lake, Simmonsville 

March 6, 1759

Albion, Lime Rock, Manville, Quinville, Saylesville

March 8, 1871
Lincoln-North Providence 


Little Compton

Adamsville, Briggs Point, Sakonnet, Tunipus

January 27, 1747

Easton Point, Green’s End, Sachuest

June 16, 1743

Bonnet Shores, Cedar Point, Galilee, Great Island, Jerusalem, Narragansett Pier, Point Judith, Sand Hill Cove, Scarborough, South Ferry, Wesquage 

March 28, 1901
Narragansett-North Kingstown 


New Shoreham

Block Island, Mohegan Bluffs, New Harbor, Old Harbor, Sandy Point 

November 6, 1762

Castle Hill, Coasters Harbor, Coddington Point, Fort Adams, Forty Steps, Goat Island, Ochre Point, Rose Island, Tonomy Hill 

June 1, 1784
North Kingstown

Allenton, Annaquatucket, Barber Heights, Belleville, Browning’s Hill, Cocumcussoc, old Spring, Davisville, Fox Island, Hamilton, Lafayette, Mount View, North Ferry, Plum Beach, Poplar Point, Quidnessett, Quonset, Slocum, Wickford, Wild Goose Point 

October 28, 1674
North Providence

Allendale, Centerdale, Fruit Hill, Greystone, Lymansville, Marieville, Woodville 

June 13, 1765
North Providence-Providence


North Smithfield

Branch Village, Crystal Lake, Forestdale, Primrose ,Slatersville, Union Village ,Waterford, Woonsocket Hill 

March 8, 1871

Beverage Hill, Darlington, Fairlawn, Lebanon, Pleasant View, Woodlawn 

March 1, 1862

Bristol Ferry, Cedar Island, Common Fence Point, Corey Lane, Despair Island, Dyer Island, Gould Island, Hog Island, Homestead, Hope Island, Hummocks, Island Park, Melville, Patience, Prudence Island, Quaker Hill 

May 1, 1639

Dyerville, Elmhurst, Elmwood, Federal Hill, Fox Point, Manton, Mount Pleasant, Olneyville, Silver Lake, Smith Hill, Tockwotton, Wanskuck

November 5, 1831

East Wyoming, Hillsdale 

August 18, 1747

Chopmist, Fiskeville, Glen Rock, Hope, Jackson, North Scituate, Rockland, Saundersville

February 20, 1731
Smithfield Esmond, Georgiaville, Greenville, Mountaindale, Spragueville, Stillwater, West Greenville February 20, 1731
South Kingstown-Richmond Usquepaug  
South Kingstown

Bridgetown, Glen Rock, Gould, Green Hill, Kingston, Matunuck, Peace Dale, Perryville, Rocky Brook, Tower Hill, Wakefield ,West Kingston

February 26, 1723

Bridgeport, Eagleville, Fogland Point ,Grayville, Nannaquaket, North Tiverton, Tiverton Four Corners 

January 27, 1747

Burr Hill, Coggeshall, East Warren, Kickemuit, South Warren, Touisset 

January 27, 1747

Apponaug, Arnold Neck, Brush Neck Cove, Buttonwoods, Cedar Tree Point, Chepiwanoxet, Coles, Conimicut, Cowesett, Dryden Heights, Duby Grove, Gaspee Point, Goddard Park, Grant Station, Greenwood, Hillsgrove, Hoxsie, Lakewood, Lincoln Park, Longmeadow, Meadow View, Nausauket, Norwood, Oakland Beach, Old Warwick, Palace Garden, Pontiac, Potowomut, River View, Rocky Point, Sandy Point, Shawomet, Spring Green, Warwick Downs, Warwick Neck 

April 21, 1931
West Greenwich

Escoheag, Hopkins Hill, Kitt’s Corner, Mishnock, Nooseneck, Wickaboxet 

April 6, 1741
West Warwick

Arctic, Birch Hill, Centerville, Clyde, Crompton, Jericho, Lippitt, Natick, Phenix, River Point, Wescott 

March 14, 1913

Avondale, Bradford, Dunn’s Corner, Haversham, Misquamicut, Napatree Point, Pleasant Hill, Pleasant View, Sandy Point, Shelter Harbor, Stillmanville, Watch Hill, Weekapaug, White Rock, Winnapaug 

May 14, 1669

Bernon, Fairmount, Globe Village, Hamlet, Jacksonville, Social Village, Woonsocket Falls Village

January 31, 1867

Boldface denotes cities

* The cities of Newport, Providence and Warwick were originally founded as towns. Newport on September 14, 1640, Providence in 1636 and Warwick on August 8, 1647.